A PICTURE OF ABU BAKR AL SIDDIQ FROM AL-TABARI Who was Al-Tabari? Al-Tabari was an influential scholar and he was the muslim who compiled a huge work on early Islamic history. He was born in Tabaristan, modern Iran around 839 CE and died in Bagdad, Iraq, in 923 CE. To him, we owe a tafsir too, namely an exegesis of the Quranic verses. Every historian nowadays quote him when it comes to the Islamic early history; his work is really immense and precise and from his account we can have an internal point of view on what happened in the first centuries of the Caliphate. For this reason, I’ll use many volumes, and in particular: - the 5 th volume, on Sasanids, Byzantines, and Lakmids - the 10 th volume, on the conquest of Arabia, the Riddah wars, 632-633 CE - the 11 th volume, on the challenge to the empires (633-635 CE) As I don’t know Arabic, I’ll use the english translation. A LETTER OF ABU BAKR AL SIDDIQ TO THE APOSTATES In th...