THE HARAM DECLARATION AND THE MECCAN CONSTITUTION In the previous posts, I discussed the presence and meaning of harams in pre-Islamic Hijaz, Madinah (or Medina) was the site of one of them, as we already know; now it seems interesting to see what happened after the advent of Islam. In this article, and eventually in the next ones, we’ll try to answer this question, in order to understand what happened and how the sacred spaces were configured in Islamic Madinah. As a matter of fact, Prophet Muhammad made use of the former haram after he fled to Madinah; the case of Medina is different from the others, as we have many information about this event. For Makkah (or Mecca) we cannot know how the site became an haram , since the Holy Quran does not provide any historical account, in the case of Medina we are luckier. The same goes for the site of Waji, as already noted in the previous article; in the case of Medina, on the contrary, the situation is different. ...