Who was Al-Tabari?
Al-Tabari was an influential scholar and he was the muslim who compiled a huge work on early Islamic history. He was born in Tabaristan, modern Iran around 839 CE and died in Bagdad, Iraq, in 923 CE. To him, we owe a tafsir too, namely an exegesis of the Quranic verses. Every historian nowadays quote him when it comes to the Islamic early history; his work is really immense and precise and from his account we can have an internal point of view on what happened in the first centuries of the Caliphate.
For this reason, I’ll use many volumes, and in particular:
- the 5th volume, on Sasanids, Byzantines, and Lakmids
- the 10th volume, on the conquest of Arabia, the Riddah wars, 632-633 CE
- the 11th volume, on the challenge to the empires (633-635 CE)
As I don’t know Arabic, I’ll use the english translation.
In the previous post, I gave account of the election of the first Caliph, in 632 CE; here, I want to begin to examine another aspect of Abu Bakr Al- Siddiq. In fact, he was the ruler leading the so-called ‘Riddah’ wars. These were fought to unify the Arabic peninsula and to counteract the first cases of apostasy. Al-Tabari accounts for these facts in the 10th volume of his history of Islam; in particular, we know that the Caliph sent a letter to the tribes which apostasised from Islam.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
From Abu Bakr, Caliph of the Apostle of Allah,
to whomever this letter of mine may reach among the commoners and notables who has stood fast in his Islam or who has turned back from it: Peace upon those who follow the [true] guidance and who have not turned back to error and blindness after [having received] the [true] guidance. Verily I praise to you Allah, other than Whom there is no Allah. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah alone, Who has no associate, and that Muhammad is His Servant and His Apostle; we affirm that which he brought, and that which he denied we declare to be unbelief and strive against it.
Now then: Verily Allah, may He be exalted, sent Muhammad with His truth to His creation as a bearer of good tidings and as a warner and as one calling [others] to Allah, with His permission, and as a light-bringing lamp, so that he might warn [all] who live, and so that the saying against the unbelievers might be fulfilled. So Allah guided with the truth whoever responded to Him, and the Apostle of Allah, with His permission, struck whoever turned his back to Him until he came to Islam, willingly or grudgingly.
Then Allah took His Apostle to Him, he having carried out Allah’s command, and counseled His community, and carried out [the duty] that was upon him; for Allah had made that clear to him and to the people of Islam in the book that was sent down. Thus He said, "You are dead, and they are dead"; and he said "We have not made any man before you immortal; so, if you die, should they then be immortal?" And to the believers He said' "Muhammad is only an apostle.
The apostles before him have passed away; so, if he dies or is killed, will you turn on your heels? For he who may turn on his heels will not harm Allah one whit, but Allah will reward the grateful." So whoever worshipped Muhammad, indeed Muhammad has died; but whoever worshipped Allah alone, Who has no associate, indeed Allah is always with you, Living, Eternal.
He does not die, nor do slumber or sleep take Him; He guards His cause, takes vengeance on His enemy, and punishes him. I recommend to you the fear of Allah and your right share and portion of Allah and of that which your Prophet brought you; and that you let yourselves be guided by His guidance, and cleave to the religion of Allah. For indeed, whomever Allah has not guided is astray, and whomever He has not made safe is afflicted, and whomever Allah has not helped is forsaken. Whomever Allah guides is on the right way, and whomever He allows to go astray is lost. Allah said' "Whomever Allah guides is on the right way, but whomever He lets get lost, you will find no friend to guide him
nor will any work of his in the world be accepted until he acknowledges Him; and neither repentance nor ransom will be accepted from him in the afterlife.
I have learned that some of you have turned back from your religion after you had acknowledged Islam and labored in it, out of negligence of Allah and ignorance of His command, and in compliance with the devil.
The invitation [to Allah's cause] shall be the call to prayer. If, when the Muslims make the call to prayer, they do likewise [in response], leave them alone; but, if they do not make the call to prayer [with the Muslims], then grant them no respite. And, if they do make the call to prayer [with the Muslims], ask them what has come over them; then, if they deny [Allah], grant them no respite, but, if they acknowledge [Allah], He will accept them and bring them to what they should do.
(Al Tabari, Vol. 10, Translation: Donner, 1994, pp. 55-58)
Clearly the Caliph is warning the wrongdoers and gives them a chance before fighting them on the battlefield; he tries to be reasonable with them and even propose some treaties to be established.
Evidently, this is a man whose leadership was exceptional, and whose bravery was undisputed; in particular, we can see how a true Muslim is merciful.
In the next post, I’ll provide more details of the wars, following the account of Al Tabari and eventually of other authors.
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