Welcome back to our simulation and our alternate history!!!
In the previous post about the simulated history, we have considered the period between 654 CE and 693 CE.
Now it’s time to have a look at the VIII century, to see how things evolved; well, our Emperor, as you can see from the image below, is Keyghobad, known as ‘The Wise’, who began to rule at the end of 753 CE.
Our timeline, as is evident in the picture above, has evolved a lot, and new emperors came to power; in particular, the current one is the 9th descendant of the founder of our dynasty, the Samanids. In fact, as far as the simulation is concerned, the first half of VIII century proved very dynamic, although the succession has been regular and undisputed so far. As a matter of fact, there have been no major disruptions and revolts, and no one challenged the rightful heir to the throne.
The map has not changed, and we hold the same territories as shown at the end of the VII century; the historical map was very different in this period, as you can see from the pictures below.
At that time, in fact, Islam was already dominating all the former Persian Empire and expanded in North Africa and Spain as well. The contrast with history is stunning!
The Islamic Caliphate was very fast to spread, and this is what historically happened; this story, though, is very long and it will be explained in successive posts. Here, we can note what could have happened if the Muslim forces were stopped for some reason about a century before. Interestingly, we can note that historically Islam expanded anywhere but in Abissinia; in our simulation, at the contrary, Islamic forces retreated there.
Is this plausible? Maybe, if the nascent Caliphate would have lost its original territories, and especially the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina, it’s reasonable to think it would have repaired in Abissinia, whose Kings showed a great deal of tolerance towards the new religion in the VII century.
Finally, we can compare the historical timeline with ours, in order to appreciate the difference; in general, the simulation shows a fundamental stability, with only some minor incursions of the nomadic tribes bordering the empire.
The Emperors in our Crusader Kings II simulation are 6:
Anushrivan ‘the Pious’: 659-718
Rostam: 718-722
Darab: 722-724
Sina I ‘the Wise’: 724-732
Khodabad: 732-753
Keyghobad: 753-
Historically, in Tabaristan and parts of Khorasan, we had the Dabouid Kingdom:
? : 676-712
Farrukhan I ‘The Great’: 712-728
Dadhburzmihr: 728-740
(Farrukhan II ‘The Little’: 740-747)
Khurshid of Tabaristan: 740-760
The rest of former Persian Empire was a vassal of the Muslim Caliphate; in particular the, Caliphs, in the same period considered above, are 16. (in Bold the dynasties)
Ali ibn Abi Talib: 656-661
Muawiyah I: 661-680
Yazid I: 680-683
Muawiyah: 683-684
Marwan I: 684-685
Abd al-Malik: 685-705
Al-Walid I: 705-715
Sulayman: 715-717
Umar II: 717-720
Yazid II: 720-724
Hisham: 724-743
Al-Walid II: 743-744
Yazid III: 744
Ibrahim: 744
Marwan II: 744-750
As-Saffah: 750-754
As you can see, we have only 6 emperors from the mid VII century to the mid VII century in our simulation; historically, without considering the Dabouid Kingdom, mentioned only for the record, we had 16 Caliphs.
In the next posts, we will continue our journey in history and present the beginning of the Islamic history as well as the history of the Bizantine Empire.
Stay tuned and don't miss the next posts!!!
The Journey continues...
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